Digital transformation and industrial applications help production and development processes to be carried out much faster and more professionally in the modern era. The innovative digital system, also called Industry 4.0, is a transformation that makes production cheaper, more efficient, less error-prone and scalable. Karel supports brands to digitalize and adapt their production thanks to the opportunities it offers.
The concept of industry 4.0, which allows industrial activities to be carried out in a much more practical, cost-effective and low error margin, draws its power from technology. Brands that want to maintain their competitiveness and improve their services today and in the future, thanks to the realization of personalized production at different scales and the inclusion of technology in all areas of production, need to get to know the concept of industry 4.0 more closely.
Preventive maintenance is the routine execution of maintenance activities to minimize the risk of failure of equipment and hardware. Routine maintenance activities reduce the risk of expensive breakdowns and support brands to use their equipment efficiently for longer.
Machines and software that reduce the need for human labor in industrial production and can undertake sensitive tasks can be used in different areas thanks to industrial automation. Machinery and software play an important role in the process of high-tech manufacturing from prototype to mass production. Karel meets the needs of organizations in the field of industrial automation thanks to its high-tech production capacity and experience.
Big data, is one of the most important concepts often heard in the age of technology. Big data, a logical and processed form of data from users worldwide in the Internet age, is an important resource for analytics, statistics and many other fields. In the field of digital transformation, brands' ability to use big data correctly and effectively is the key to success.
Machine learning is the ability of computers to automatically improve their performance by learning through experience. These systems, fed with massive data on the relevant field on a specific purpose and task, can easily fulfill challenging tasks thanks to machine learning.
Artificial intelligence, one of the most advanced achievements of technology, has a wide usage area in almost every sector today. The rapid and efficient use of AI can support the global transformation of brands and industries in the future.